On September 24, 2021, COERR Mae Hong Son organized Disaster Risk Reduction and campaign in three schools of Ban Mai Nai Soi Temporary Shelter in Mae Hong Son Province’s Muang District. There were 300 schoolchildren and villagers participating in this activity.
The DRR contents covered mostly management, mitigation and preparedness particularly about fire which happened every year. This training focused on fire prevention and disaster preparedness poster campaign. The well-trained volunteers played an important part in mitigation measure. Posters about fire prevention were placed in many pubic areas as campaign against fire hazard.
The disaster risk reduction and campaign activity was much interested and cooperated by schoolchildren and Ban Mai Nai Soi community. It was noted that participants, schoolchildren and public were becoming more aware of fire hazards, and the importance of preparedness measures.
At the end of the training, all three schools requested for fire extinguishers and demonstration of how to use them to put out the fire.
